Reaction Reflections - Web 3d


Finding something to do with negativity

I wanted to make something that found a use for reactionary thoughts I have in response to various things in our world or online. Spring of 2021 was a time that brought a lot of turmoil, from the end of Covid, to the escalation between Israel and Palestine, to personal dramas as well. Encountering these terrible things can be frustrating and depressing, and create negative, usually unproductive thoughts about how to address these issues, or simple responses to them. These thoughts, such as "You're Instagram Advice is Performative Bullshit," are not exactly what you would call productive, but they exist and you can't just ignore them. So, to address them in some way I created a javascript sketch where you have representations of these things and you can at least throw em around and struggle to examine them. As the user throws around the objects they can have a cathartic interaction that sends them into the abyss. Obscuring these thoughts was a major consideration of the work because, due to their reactionary nature, I do not want them to be able to be understood clearly or easily. Though they can be read, with some effort, the point is to have an interaction to forget about them.

This was created using THREE JS and CANNON JS.