About me
Hi, I’m Sean Kennedy. I was born in St. Louis, MO. I’m an artist whose work focuses on the unique interactions between physical and digital systems, as well as how those systems can create our reality. I graduated from the University of Denver with a BFA in Emergent Digital Practices and I currently live and work in Brooklyn, New York.
Since the age of 13, I have actively run various YouTube channels to varying degrees of success. I grew up online, and entered into an artworld that is desperate for new ways of engaging and experiencing art. Through the Art is Everything practice, I hope to research and come to a discovery of how that may happen with an audience online. It is not democratic, it is collaborative.
How to Get in Contact with Me
Email: SKennedy99@me.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hepyrian
Self Portrait Digital Photography, Jan. 2018