Generative Art and Algorithmic Expression


The Joy of Creation

This piece of code is about the inherent joy in creation, and was built in Processing. It provides a series of raining particles, and then, through interaction, allows you to wield those particles in the creation of an image.

By pressing the mouse down, the particles will move faster, and a “canvas” will appear as a purple border encloses the center of the screen. The particles will leave a trail as they move through the canvas, allowing you to “paint” with them. The position of the mouse controls color and brightness. moving the mouse left and right will change the color, and up and down will change brightness. By pressing ‘r’ on the keyboard, the force of the particles will randomly change, allowing for different kinds of “brushstrokes” to be created. Combinations of r-presses and mouse movements will allow you to create interesting abstract images. When you release the mouse, the program will save the image you just created.

On top of the image-making capabilities of the program, it was also important to capture the excitement of creating, and this is done through music. My good friend and composer Justin Cook produced two pieces of music for the program. The first is a low droning synth that establishes a baseline. The second is an inspirational set of musical layers on top of that drone with the effect of inspiring the user. Use this code with headphones on, and it will really create a special feeling.

Currently, I am working on adapting the code to work on so you can experience it for yourself, and when that is finished a link will be here. In the meantime, if you would like to try the program, email me and I will send it to you.